Howard Martin

Howard Martin is an author, speaker and CEO of HeartMath. Since founding the company in 1991, he has traveled around the world to promote HeartMath’s work and teach the method. He believes that our heart is the key to fulfillment. Through its intelligence we can change our perception and control the flow of our emotions. Howard Martin appears regularly on television and radio, but also shares his insights via webinars and at conferences.

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Why you should connect with your heart

Howard Martin has been studying heart intelligence for many years and in his flow!summit video he discusses the qualities of the heart and why it is so important to view it as more than just a body organ. He explains what your heart has to do with intuition and what dynamic form of intelligence it houses. In the fast-paced and dynamic times in which we live and which will bring us into a new dimension of consciousness, trusting our hearts is more important than ever for Howard. It is important to be able to change negative feelings. In this session he will show you how this works.

In this video you will find out…
  • why linear logic is not enough in our times
  • what vibrations have to do with you and your feelings
  • how you can influence these vibrations
  • why compassion is so important
  • how you can strengthen the connection to your heart
  • what techniques can help you connect

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